Tips to Make Sure you Never Accidentally Lock Your Child in a Hot Car.

Do you ever have one of those mornings where everything feels frazzled? A morning where you feel like you can barely carry out each morning task like making lunches, getting the kids ready, feeding yourself and the kids, and getting everyone where they need to be on time? Then on your drive, you think about everything you forgot. Did little Susie remember her homework? Did her brother grab his instrument for band practice? Did you grab the baby’s diaper bag? Did you lock the door, or worse, forget the keys? If you have children, you understand this scenario all too well. Your local locksmith understands this too, when you call panicking that you -gasp-locked your children in the car when you stopped to get gas, or any number of reasons could have had you so frazzled that the kids wound up locked in the vehicle. We at The Lockman know that you are terrified and worried when you call. Please don’t fret; we prioritize your call and can get a locksmith to you right away. However, we never want to see children locked in a car. Below are some tips to make sure you never accidentally lock your child in a hot car. to keep in mind so they never, accidentally, lock the kids in the car again.
- Always take the kids into the store with you. It may seem inconvenient, but locking them in the car is much more problematic, and if it is hot, it is downright dangerous. Many states even have laws requiring you to never leave children alone in a car. Get in the habit of getting them out whenever you stop somewhere even if that stop will only take you a few minutes away from your child and your vehicle.
- Never let your children play with your keys. Keep them out of sight even when you are at home. An auto-lock on the key fob makes it possible for your child, who decided to play in the car, to lock themselves in the car. Make sure you always have spare keys to your vehicles. The Lockman can duplicate any car keys, even car fob keys, for a lesser price than your car dealership.
- We have seen it on the news, and it haunts every parent. No one thinks they could ever leave their child in the car while they go in to work all day, but if you get off your routine or your baby is sleeping, and you barely hear them throughout the ride, or it’s been a rushed morning, it is possible to forget to drop them off. It is horrific, but sadly, it happens. Ensure your child’s school or caregiver always checks in with you if the child is absent. Receiving a phone call gives an extra layer of protection against leaving a child in the car all day.
- Always, always, always check the car seat when you are leaving the car. Some people leave a purse or wallet on the floorboard in front of the car seat, so they get into the habit of constantly checking the car seat. Again, you may think you would never forget your child, but it could happen. Never assume that you won’t forget. This is how accidents happen when we get complacent.
- Lastly, keep our phone number programmed into your phone for quick access. The number for The Lockman is (901) 246-2246

Accidents happen, and we are here to help. Our locksmiths are all proficient in emergency locksmith services. We hope these tips are a helpful reminder to take every precaution when it comes to children and that they help you keep your children safe.
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