What To Do if You Lose Your Keys?

Whether you get busy and absentmindedly leave your keys somewhere, your child drops them down a sewer grate while you are out for a walk, or you are involved in a personal robbery, life happens and sometimes people find themselves without their keys to their car, home, or business. So what can you do when disaster strikes and you find yourself without your keys? Stay calm. The Lockman can help. Let’s take a look at the steps you can take:
- Take inventory of the keys you must have right away. These will include your car keys, keys to your home, and/or your business.
- Take a mental inventory of who may have a spare key to any of the aforementioned and call them immediately.
- If you find that no one has a spare key to your home, car or business that is readily available, depending on your circumstances, whereabouts,or type of vehicle, it is time to make the decision to call a locksmith or car dealership. If you choose to call a dealership, it may be much more costly than calling a locksmith and a locksmith can make keys for your home or business as well. A car dealership may also require you to have your car towed into their facility at an additional cost to you. At a dealership, you are also at the mercy of the wait time required due to their workload.
- Should you choose to call a locksmith, it is important to find a licensed and bonded locksmith with a good reputation. This locksmith sbe able to respond quickly in the given circumstances, be an automobile locksmith to make a traditional key or have the ability to access your key fob, transponder or smart key system, such as The Lockman. The locksmith should also be a residential and commercial locksmith so they may provide you access and new keys for your home and business. Please inform the locksmith of the year, make and model of your vehicle so they may arrive with the proper equipment to access it. Having an emergency list of professional tradespeople is good to keep on your cell phone in case of emergency. The Lockman’s phone number is (901) 246-2246.
- Once a locksmith accesses your car, it is time to get new keys made for your home and/or business.
The Lockman is a family-owned Memphis Locksmith, licensed and bonded, and will come to you. We pride ourselves on our friendly service with integrity. If you lose your keys or need any locksmith services for your home, auto or business, please call us at (901) 246-2246.